
Hi there! If you or someone you know would enjoy a custom-made artwork, I’d love to work with you!

Please fill out the Commission Request Form in as much detail as possible. Once submitted, I will respond in a timely manner via email to discuss pricing, time frame, and any further questions or comments.

Pricing varies depending on the size, medium, and complexity of the request. If you have a specific budget, I would be more than happy to work with you to create a custom piece that’s affordable! Upon agreeing to a commission, I request fifty percent of the total price upfront, in order to cover the expenses of materials and time.

Please note, I will not copy any other artist’s artwork or style. It is important to the integrity of myself and my work that my art remains original to me. Submitting this Commission Request Form is not a binding contract. Accepting the project is at my discretion.

Examples from past commission projects:

Porky in the Moonlight, oil, 2023.

Luna Moth and Rosy Maple Moth mini paintings, watercolor and colored pencil, 2023.

Strawberry Bat, oil on hexagonal canvas, 2023.